Saturday, January 9

Happy New Year, girls.

Can you believe that it's January already and I haven't seen you two in almost a year?  That makes my heart so sad.  Where has the time gone, Hailey? 
What are you up to?  Are you staying warm?  How is school going?  Are you reading all by yourself now?  Is Triny walking alone yet?  Would you write me a comment on this page?  I would love to hear from you and Trinity.
Mom said the roof is leaking...!  Ugh.  How is church?  What did you get for Christmas?  Please let me know.
I had a wonderful Christmas, but when we are together, I believe that our visit will be even better than opening up presents.  You and Trinity are my presents.  But I won't unwrap might get too cold that way!
Uncle Josh bought me a bird bath and we keep adding hot water to the frozen water so the birds can get a drink and they have been coming by the bunches to the feeder and then to slurp up some really cold water...I absolutely love birds and did I tell you we're going to get chickens again...remember when you came to the ranch and we had little baby chickens?  Well, this time they're going to be bigger so they will be laying eggs and we can go out in the back yard to the house the boys are going to build them and we'll collect the eggs or hold the chickens and then we'll laugh together and kiss each other and by the time you come, Trinity will be walking and she can sit on the horse swing we have hanging from the tree and we'll push her or she can just run around the yard and we'll eat ice cream or maybe popcorn, which the funny papa loves to eat every day...

I love you girls.

Forever your gramma.

Oh, a funny papa picture to laugh with him...Isn't he funny?

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