Thursday, April 2

Good Morning, Girls!

The itsy bitsy spider on a sunflower head that just finished blooming!
It's Thursday, April 2, 2009 and I just wanted to be the first one today to remind you two that Jesus, along with a whole lot of other people-mommy, daddy, gramma & grampa Ritenburg, and your great grandparents celebrate and love you very much...along with your uncle Caleb and Isaac, Josh, and Dan, too. Then there's your Sunday school teachers, your friends, and I can't even name everyone else...just know how special you are and treasured.

Today, I am thinking of some things I am thankful for...what are you thankful for?

For me, your gramma, I am so thankful for the day you were born, Hailey, and I watched you come out and the doctor say, 'It's a girl'! I jumped up and down with joy...a girl, and I knew you'd have red hair...

What color is Trinity's hair now? Could you have mommy send me a picture of Trinity, please?

I am also thankful for being able to sing. Are you singing a lot? What songs do you sing?

Why not write me a note? I loved the last one you sent...may I post it here so everyone can read how wonderful it was?

Forever your gramma.


Your comments are welcome. Being a gramma is one of the greatest gifts for a mother!~

Our latest visit together~!

Our girls, plus some...


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