Friday, February 13

Valentine Gifts!!

Dearest Girls,
I'm soooo happy, Hailey, that you got my apron. Please, oh please, have mommy take a picture of it so I can see how it looks on you~

Trinity, you'll have to wait for yours until you are old enough to cook!!!
I miss you both and yet when I hear your voices (or gurgles, Triny) over the telephone wires, I feel like I'm right there with you and I could kiss your gentle smooth cheeks.
Do plan on you two and mommy having a garden this year or at least plant the Sweet William seeds in a pot inside and then when they get big enough, you can plant them outside under the kitchen window. But you must remind mommy to water them since you don't have a hose, or do you have one now?

Here is a picture of the baker's apron Caleb made himself (well, I did help a little!)

Here is a picture of your apron to look at and for family far away to see what it looks like.
Forever your gramma who loves you and holds you near to her heart.


Your comments are welcome. Being a gramma is one of the greatest gifts for a mother!~

Our latest visit together~!

Our girls, plus some...


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