Thursday, January 14

My wonderful, beautiful and very loved little princesses,
Good day to you, up there where the wind blows cold and the snow leaves prints of any number of tracks from rabbits, fox and deer. 
Greetings to you from the misty city of San Antonio. 
You are so loved, treasured and wanted. 
Trinity, I saw a video mommy sent of you waving to the camera.  Wow, how you've grown and then the video of you scooting on your 'car' across the kitchen, while daddy talks to mommy, despite her not paying attention to him, but rather focused on your feat!
Hailey, I absolutely love the way your room breathes 'Princess' and how you have your own desk, and crown dresser.  I want your autograph when you come visit me IN SIX WEEKS!!!
I have told EVERYONE I MEET that my grandchildren are coming to see their gramma and papa and great gramma and funny papa in such a short time from now. 
Today, the yellow sun hid behind dreary, grey clouds and never came out to brighten up the world down here.  We drove 'funny papa's' car to the store and raced up and down the aisles to hurry and finish shopping before grampa had to pick up great gramma from her dialysis visit.  We made it just in time and papa even had beautiful flowers he bought ready to give great gramma as soon as she got into the car.  She was very surprised and asked what occasion would warrant such a gift...She was the gift...your funny papa loves Great gramma very much and it makes his heart sad to see her so sluggish from the medicine that takes away the pain she is in from a virus called 'Shingles'.
Here is a picture of the flowers for you to see.
I love you but Jesus loves you two so much more than I do.  How that could be, I really cannot imagine.  My love for you makes me hurt to be so far apart.  But soon, we will be together and we will go to Sea World and play there and ride the roller coaster, if you like, Hailey.  Triny is way too little, but you are such a big girl, being a whole hand, ya know!

Forever your gramma.

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